The Cake Is A Lie: I'm Never Going to Persue Philosophy


I'm Never Going to Persue Philosophy

St. Thomas Aquinas' Five Ways

First Way: The Argument from Motion

Aquinas' First Way is probably the one i find the worst...mostly because its the first and can easily be disproved, almost to the point of convincing me to not even read the rest. In this, he discusses how objects that are put in motion first need a preious object to move that object. So, who moved the first object? He claims that the the unmoved mover started the movement. Kinda like an endless row of dominoes but you cant seem to find the first dominoe that moved the others. That very first dominoe is believed to be the unmoved mover aka GOD! But...that means he's unmoving....that causes things to move, so wouldnt that really mean he needs to move in order to move the others? Or simply put, how is he moving things without physically moving?"If every object in motion had a mover, then the first object in motion needed a mover." Its like saying that the first dominoe didnt move to move the others, but then saying that every dominoe that moves needs to be moved by the previous dominoe that is moving. Its totally contradicting. Maaaan im never gonna try reaching my inner philosophical soul.